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Prayer for Deliverance


For no worm thanks Thee, nor a maggot recounts Thy lovingkindness. Only the living thank Thee, all they whose feet totter, thank Thee, when Thou makest known to them Thy loving-kindness, and causest them to understand Thy righteousness. For the soul of all the living is in Thy hand; Thou hast given breath to all flesh. O Lord, do towards us according to Thy goodness, according to the greatness of Thy mercies, and according to the greatness of Thy righteous deeds. The Lord listens to the voice of all who love his name and does not permit his loving-kindness to depart from them. Blessed be the Lord, doer of righteous deeds, who crowns his pious ones with loving-kindness and mercies. My soul shouts to praise Thy name, to praise with jubilation Thy mercies, to announce Thy faithfulness; there is no limit to Thy praises. I belonged to death because of my sins, and my iniquities had sold me to Sheol. But Thou didst save me, O Lord, according to the greatness of Thy mercies, according to the greatness of Thy righteous deeds. I, too, have loved Thy name, and have taken refuge in Thy shadow. When I remember Thy power, my heart is strengthened and I rely on Thy mercies. Forgive my sins, O Lord, and purify me of my iniquity. Grant me a spirit of faithfulness and knowledge; let me not be dishonoured in ruin. Let not Belial dominate me, nor an unclean spirit; let pain and the evil inclination not possess my bones. For Thou, O Lord, art my praise, and I hope in Thee every day. My brethren rejoice with me and the house of my father is astounded by Thy graciousness. … for ever I will rejoice in Thee.

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