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Micah’s Prayer and the Lord’s Answer

Micah one of the prophets of the 8th century B.C whose writings have survived.

The first three chapters of the book seem to be where most of the prophesies live. According to the interpretation Micah prophesied the destruction of Samaria, which took place in 722 B.C however some believe his activities of prophetical messages date between 705-701.

Micah was a native of Moresheth which if we identify it, as we should , with moresheth- gath according to Micah 1v 14 which is located in Shephelah of Judah.

In the  build up to Micah’s prayer we see lamentation uttered by Zion over the corruption of her children. Israel was over powered by her foe the heathen world, which is persuaded that by its victory it has at the same time vanquished Jahweh.

See Micah’s prayer Below

14 Lead your people, Lord! Come and be our shepherd. Grasslands surround us, but we live in a forest. So lead us to Bashan and Gilead,[c] and let us find pasture as we did long ago.

The Lords answer.

15 I, the Lord, will work miracles just as I did when I led you out of Egypt. 16 Nations will see this and be ashamed because of their helpless armies. They will be in shock, unable to speak or hear, 17 because of their fear of me, your Lord and God. Then they will come trembling, crawling out of their fortresses like insects or snakes, lapping up the dust.

Micah 7  v14-17 (cev)

Photo by Wiki

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